Cambridge International AS & A Levels Programme (Grade 11 & 12)

Cambridge International AS/A Level is a highly regarded and one of the most popular high school programmes in the world. The program offers rigorous, in-depth, advanced study in a wide variety of subject areas to students.

Cambridge International AS & A Levels Programme (Grade 11 & 12)
The programme develops students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in the following areas:
  • In-depth subject content
  • Fostering Independent thinking
  • Applying knowledge and understanding to new as well as familiar situations
  • Handling and evaluating different types of information
  • Thinking logically and presenting ordered and coherent arguments
  • Making judgements, recommendations and decisions
  • Presenting reasoned explanations, understanding implications and communicating them logically and clearly
  • Working and communicating in English.
A Level

The subject content of each of the A Level subjects is subdivided into two parts: the AS syllabus content that is covered in the first half of the course (Grade 11), and part two of the syllabus commonly referred to as ‘A2’ covered in Grade 12. This flexible approach enables students to follow a staged assessment by taking the AS qualification in one examination session (at the end of Grade 11), and the A2 assessment in a subsequent session (at the end of Grade 12).

Our class sizes at CAGS ensure individualised teaching and learning, support and advice that is intrinsic to students reaching their academic potential.

AS/A Level

The AS/A Level program is very well recognised and accepted by universities around the world including leading universities in India.

Secondary School (Grades 9 to 10)

As part of the Cambridge AS/A Levels Program – we offer a wide variety of subject choices. Students are able to tailor their learning (through selection of subjects) to their aptitude/interests / career goals. Students will be required to study a total of 4 subjects as part of the AS/A Levels Programme at CAGS. The subjects can be chosen from across groups or from a single group. English General Paper (AS Level) is the only mandatory subject that all students need to opt for.

At CAGS we will be offering the following subjects
Group 1
(Mathematics & Sciences)
Group 3
(Arts & Humanities)
Group 4
(Inter-disciplinary Subjects)
Mathematics Psychology English General Paper – AS Level
Physics Business
Chemistry Economics
Biology Art & Design
Computer Science Accounting
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